Date: from 03rd to 27th February, 2025
Investment value: BRL 1.240,00 per person
Days and hours: Monday and Thursday from 19:00 to 21:00h.
Course duration: 16 hours.
Confirmation of the course will depend on a minimum number of enrollments.
Date: from 04th to 26th February, 2025.
Investment value: BRL 1.240,00 per person
Days and hours: Tuesday and Wednesday from 19:00 to 21:00h.
Course duration: 16 hours.
Confirmation of the course will depend on a minimum number of enrollments.
Date: to be informed.
Investment value: to be informed.
Days and hours: Tuesday and Wednesday from 19:00 to 21:00h.
Course duration: 16 hours.
Confirmation of the course will depend on a minimum number of enrollments.
Date: to be informed.
Investment value: to be informed.
Days and hours: Tuesday and Wednesday from 19:00 to 21:00h.
Course duration: 16 hours.
Confirmation of the course will depend on a minimum number of enrollments.
Date: from 21/11/2023 to 13/12/2023.
Investment Value: BRL 920,00 per person.
Days and hours: Tuesday and Wednesday from 19:00 to 21:00h.
Hours: 16 hours.
Confirmation of the course will depend on a minimum number of enrollments.
Date: days 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 10th, 18th, 19th, 23rd, and 24th, February, 2021.
Investment value: R$ 600,00 per person
Duration of the course: 16 hours, on Tuesday and Wednesday, except in the Carnival week, which will be on Thursday and Friday, from 19:00 to 21:00h
* The confirmation of the course will depend on a minimum number of registration.
Data: to be informed
Investment value:
R$ 600,00 per person.
Duration of the course: 16 hours.
* The confirmation of the course will depend on a minimum number of registration.